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Privacy Notice

Saavi Energía, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. and its affiliate companies (hereinafter “Saavi Energía”), its domicile is located at Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 301, Piso 11, Col. Granada, Zip Code 11520, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City, Mexico, make available this Privacy Notice, to notify you which personal data we collect and the treatment to such data, under the terms of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) and Regulations thereto (hereinafter the “Applicable Law”).

As a part of your visit to our facilities or as a result of the business or legal relationships between Saavi Energía and You, Saavi Energía will require, as applicable, including without limitation personal data that may include according to the relationship between Saavi Energía and You, identification, contact, fiscal, economic, patrimonial, labor, academic, third party (contact data for emergency or personal reference), health, union membership data, such as: name, reason for your visit and/or person visited; image (as we have Closed Circuit Television (CCTV); name, date and place of birth, civil status, gender, domicile, telephone number, e-mail, tax ID (R.F.C.), Sole Vital Statistics Code (C.U.R.P.), signature, among others, as well as professional and educational experience, bank account, contact data such as personal references and for medical emergencies, etc.

The data above-cited included without limitation will be collected only to manage the legal relationship between You and Saavi Energía (such as commercial, business, contractual relationships, inter alia) and shall not be disclosed to third parties, unless as required by law or expressly authorized by the personal data holder.

As personal data holder, You have the right to be provided with the Access to your data; to Rectify or update; to Cancel, and Refuse the treatment of your personal data (hereinafter the “ARCO Rights”). Likewise, you may limit the use and disclosure of your data; or, to the extent possible, to revoke the consent granted for treatment of such data.

To exercise any of such rights, you should file a request under the terms set forth under the Applicable Law, to the address designated in the first paragraph hereof; or by e-mail at

Saavi Energía retains for itself the right to make changes to this Privacy Notice. However, the updated version hereof will be always available at our facilities, as well as the website that you may access through the following URL address, or, such change may be notified through any of the contact means you provided to Saavi Energía.